sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2011

Contos Folclóricos no Catálogo da Feira de Bolonha

Marco Haurélio e Maurício Negro no lançamento do livro Contos Folclóricos Brasileiros, na Livraria Cortez

O livro Contos Folclóricos Brasileiros (Paulus, 2010) foi selecionado para a Feira de Bolonha, a mais importante feira de literatura infantojuvenil do mundo.

Em 2010, outro livro de minha autoria, A Lenda do Saci-Pererê em Cordel, também publicado pela Paulus, foi selecionado para o Catálogo.

Abaixo o texto publicado 48THº BOLOGNA CHILDREN’S BOOK FAIR 2011, p. 54:

Contos folclóricos brasileiros

Marco Haurélio. Illustrations by Mauricio Negro. Paulus.

141p. ISBN 9788534931267

Starting from the proposal of preserving our popular memory and traditions, poet and folklorist Marco Haurélio, professor of the Bahia State University, presents a collection of folk tales, the result of painstaking research effort by his students. These are tales collected in Igaporã, Brumado, and Serra do Ramalho, in the state of Bahia and in the Ceará region of the Canindé. Loyalty to oral tradition may be observed when the author maintains the typical words of popular language as they were used by the original storytellers. The careful edition and Maurício Negro’s illustrations constitute an art that is complementary to Marco Haurélio’s art of popular narrative, resulting in a beautiful book. (MB)

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